Monday, October 28, 2013

Date Night in Spring Hill

Time away from our kids reminds me how Brian and I are really good friends! In addition to being married and loving each other like crazy - we also just enjoy laughing and being together because we really LIKE each other too!! So - we went to the Spring Hill Fun Zone on a Friday night. We cut up playing mini golf, braved the very old batting cages, and even played a few arcade games. We were the only ones there - except for the quick drug deal I'm pretty sure I witnessed in the parking lot. :-)

Marriage is a whole lot easier when your husband is your best friend :-)

Fun Weekend at Paga and Grandma's

Pumpkin pickin, ice cream eating, cousin cuddling, golf club swinging - for the girls. And - a little time alone for Mommy and Daddy! We had a fun weekend at Paga and Grandma's!!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Fall Festival!!

Isabelle's school had their fall festival today! It was fun to meet her friends and some of their parents! Izzy and her best friend Isabella both dressed up as Cinderella. Livi wanted to be Sofia. Little Sofia LOVED acting like one of the big kids chasing them around on the play ground.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


It is gorgeous outside! Livi and I enjoyed the cooler weather for hours this morning while Izzy was at school.

Monday, October 21, 2013

And when the Jets beat the Patriots...

it may as well be Christmas at the Loscalzo house.

Writing her name

Izzy writes her name EVERYWHERE! Her online name must be Izzy - because that's what she chooses to type. But if she's handwriting her name she's always Isabelle. The only letter she continues to struggle with his "s." She writes it backwards most of the time. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pink Cookies!

Izzy was SUCH a good girl yesterday, so we decided her reward would be to make cookies today. She is getting to be a real helper in the kitchen! She actually held the beater most of the time and I was able to add the dry ingredients more easily. Of course, the cookies had to be pink :-). Livi helped eat the cookies!  Yum!!

Medard Park with Mimi and Papi!

We visited Mimi and Papi at their campsite at Medard Park!  We pointed out huge alligators,  ran through the hills, toasted marshmallows, played in the camper, and played on the playground! Medard Park is an old phosphate mine that was converted to a park.... it's the closest thing we get to mountains in Florida!  It was one of Mommy's favorite places to go when she was little, and I love sharing it with my girls.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Keeping Livi Happy!

My day has been devoted to keeping my little one happy. She sprained her wrist yesterday, and she has not been able to use her hand very much. So we went on a long bike ride, made Halloween crafts, colored with chalk, had happy meals - basically did anything to keep her happy and distracted.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

At the Library with Paga and Grandma :)

I am at clinical all day on Saturdays!  So, I have AMAZING in-laws who come at least once a month to watch the girls while Brian is working.  This weekend they took them to a program at our local library: Storytime with Elmo.  Izzy LOVED it!  Our local library is a huge God-send.  They have so many amazing educational and fun programs for kids.  We are there at least twice a week. Here's some pictures Grandma snapped :)