Isabelle Grace and Mommy (on a day that Daddy is working!)
5:30 am: Isabelle wakes crying - Mommy changes, nurses, and rocks her back to sleep! (successfully - sometimes she is up for the day at this point)
6:20 am: Mommy back in bed :)
7:00 am: Daddy leaves for work
8:30 am: Isabelle wakes giggling and scooting around her crib - Mommy nurses and changes her.
9:00 am: Isabelle plays in her exersaucer in the kitchen while Mommy makes and eats breakfast.
9:30 am: Upstairs in Isabelle's room. Isabelle practices crawling and plays while Mommy grades two papers :)
10:00 am: Mommy checks email and responds to work emails - Isabelle is very good on Mommy's lap.
10:30 am: Isabelle eats solids (applesauce today) she seems to like it! Mommy washes dishes while Isabelle scoots around in her walker.
11:00 am: Isabelle is cranky - Mommy rocks her for 15 minutes and she is down for a nap at 11.
11:30 am: Isabelle wakes from her nap due to a dirty diaper!
11:45 am: Mommy nurses Isabelle
12:00 pm: Mommy makes lunch for herself (turkey hot dogs) and she eats on the back porch while Isabelle enjoys the sun in her exersaucer.
12:30 pm: Isabelle and Mommy go upstairs and read a couple books - Isabelle eats half of a banana.
1:00 pm: Isabelle is cranky - Mommy gives her independent play time in her room - she calms some.
1:30 pm: Isabelle takes her medicine - and she is down for a nap.
3:30 pm: Isabelle wakes happily and nurses.
4:00 pm: Mommy and Isabelle skype Daddy at work :D
4:30 pm: We go on a walk to get the mail - short walk today b/c the wind is cold
5:00 pm: Isabelle plays in her bouncer while Mommy reads the mail.
5:30 pm: Mommy eats dinner - Isabelle is acting tired.
5:45 pm: Isabelle and Mommy play with Isabelle activity table. Isabelle is able to "cruise" to the different sides of the table. Mommy is VERY proud!
6:00 pm: Mommy nurses Isabelle early b/c she seems cranky and tired.
6:30 pm: Mommy wakes up Isabelle from nursing - and Isabelle is not happy about it!! But, Mommy wants Isabelle to sleep through the night! Start Isabelle's laundry.
7:00 pm: Mommy washes dishes - clothes in the dryer - Isabelle playing in her room.
7:30 pm: Mommy feeds Isabelle solids (chicken and sweet potatoes) then plays with Isabelle on the couch while watching Jeopardy :)
8:00 pm: Isabelle and Mommy go upstairs for quiet play before bed.
8:30 pm: Bath time - Isabelle VERY happy!
9:00 pm: Mommy gives Isabelle a bottle - nurses her a little and she's asleep in her crib!
10:00-11:00 pm: A little Mommy time in front of the TV!
11:00 pm: Mommy in bed :)
6:00 am: Mommy wakes Isabelle to nurse - and puts her back to bed.
9:00 am: DADDY HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Relaxing day with Daddy :)
Very cool to see what you do. :) Pretty nice schedule you have there.