Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I am having minor surgery tomorrow, and I will not be able to hold either one of my girls for 4-6 weeks.  I thought about this as I rocked and prayed with Isabelle tonight.  What if something happened to me?  What if something happened to Brian? 

No one else knows how Isabelle INSISTS on saying the "in Jesus' name, Amen" part of the prayer...

And how when I say "thank you for the blessings you give us every single day" she stops me and asks (every single time) "What's every single day mommy?"

how she has to have her little blanket (buddy) silky side up on her pillow underneath her head before she lays down... 

how if there is even just a little bump in her buddy she will meticulously smooth it out before laying back down...

and how her buddy has to lay with the longer sides laying horizontally....

how she has to hear "Colors of the Wind" before she closes her eyes...

and she will usually stop me to say her favorite line is "come roll in all the riches all around you"..

how it relaxes her to have the back of her ears rubbed...

I could go on and on and on about both of my children. The point it, I don't want to fast forward to a time where I don't remember these details... or wake up one morning and realize my children no longer share these little intricacies with me.  I don't want to be too busy to notice... or too self absorbed to care.  They are the most important thing. Period.

I will clutch these moments tightly... and let my girls know that I love every single little detail that make them mine.