Monday, January 27, 2014

Friday, January 17, 2014


Yesterday Izzy asked me to help her practice writing her numbers. This is huge for my little girl!! She greatly dislikes admitting that she doesn't know something, and she usually doesn't like having to sit down and receive help. We spent almost an hour writing numbers and learning new words. She is reading and writing at least 10 sight words now!!! I am so proud - but mostly because she asked for and received help so graciously. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


This cutie is nothing like her sister when it comes to taking pictures. Which is probably why I have more pictures of Izzy. Isabelle loves to pose - but Olivia is always too busy exploring to stop and smile at Mom. So, I've learned to snap a bunch of candid photos instead of asking her to smile. Here are a few of us playing in the front yard/ porch. 
This was the face I got when I asked her to smile. Lol. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Different park

With a huge slide. They would have stayed forever!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Best Friends

These two cutie pies have been hanging out since before they were two now. It has been so fun to watch the way they change and interact with each other. I remember the first time they crashed two cars together. Carrie and I were so excited that they were actually interacting instead of just playing side-by-side. Now they are all over the house with very detailed and intricate games. 


Both girls have their own leap pad now. So, they love to sit next to each other while they play. It's nice to have short periods of the day when they can be together without bickering!!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Singing About Her Favorite Bad Guy

FINALLY - caught on video! Olivia singing Captain Hook (is a Cranky Crook)!! The weird/ off-putting sound in the background is Izzy playing with a balloon. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Generously and Graciously

My Facebook friend recently wrote a blog about how she doesn't write New Year's resolutions. Instead, her family chooses a powerful word to live by for the year. For example: trust, hope, disciple, etc. 

My words? Generously and graciously. Good words for my 2014 goals. 

“In a word, what I’m saying is, Grow up. You’re kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity. Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you.” (Matthew 5:48 MSG)

Peter Pan

Olivia is more than just a little obsessed with Peter Pan. She sings the songs from the movie all day long. She sleeps with him at night. Now she is even dreaming about him. Brian went in to fix her blankets last night since it was so cold. She woke up slightly, mumbling something about Peter Pan. Today I could not separate her from her stuffed Peter doll! She is so funny. 
Going to sleep tonight. 
Driving Izzy to school today. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Reunited !

Izzy had a birthday party to attend for a friend from school today. She was so thrilled to see her friends who she's been apart from for a couple weeks now. Of course izzy and Isabella were dressed almost the same. She has missed them all so much.

Freezing Fun

At least I smiled. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Time Off

Izzy is counting down the days to go back to school. One advantage she has discovered to being off of school is that Mommy pretty much allows her to pick out her own clothing. I usually find her room ransacked with skirts and pants and shirts of every color after she gets dressed. And her outfits are usually a eclectic to say the least. Here is today's selection. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Teacups Joy

Here's a video from Izzy and Mommy's recent trip to Magic Kingdom.  She is so fun to watch on the teacup ride - pure joy!