Monday, August 26, 2013

Izzy's First Day of School

Izzy at the end of the day

Brady greeting Isabelle
Izzy had no idea what she was in for today. She had heard us talk about school and how important and different it would be, but I am certain she couldn't completely comprehend where she was going and why. When she woke up this morning, she asked "What are we going to do today Mommy?" When I said she was going to go to school (in a very excited voice) she immediately said she was going to miss mommy and could I please come with her.  I tried to redirect her, but she wasn't completely fooled.  The entire morning it was easy to see that she was VERY excited, but she was also very nervous.  She was very stubborn about getting dressed and having her hair done.... so I was preparing myself for a hard goodbye.

Paga came over this morning to see his oldest granddaughter off to school.  We all prayed together, and then we loaded up in the car.

I was very nervous as we drove to her preschool.  I did not want her to cry -- because then I would start crying and it would end up being a huge scene.  In the car she actually confided, "I'm scared Mommy." But, before she could get herself worked up, we had arrived. We parked in the parking lot and made our way up to the sidewalk.  Isabelle perked up a little bit when she saw other kids enjoying their time on the playground.  

And then, THANK YOU LORD, she spotted her best friend, Brady.  He was so excited to see Izzy walking up to his school!  He ran to the fence and started talking excitedly about showing her around the school.  When we finally entered the building, (my eyes were brimming with tears at the thought of letting my little girl go) without a thought, Izzy dropped my hand and was making a bee line out to her friend! We actually had to stop her before she walked in to get our kisses goodbye.

But - this was as it should be. There was no time for tears. This girl was ready to see new things - meet new people - and run and jump and play with her best friend. 

Today Izzy learned about the color red, the letter A, how to respect her teacher, how to use safety scissors, and how having a best friend at your side can make a new experience a lot less scary.

We've opened a new chapter - and I am one proud Mama!


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